This is my Glogster. We chose our favorite poems for Poetry Night, and my poem was “My Star.” Then we started to analyze them. We looked at our favorite lines, words, and images to make a Glogster. My Glogster is below.


         Lord of the Flies Essay       
This story relates to middle school because how they all argue and fight a lot. Some public schools have a lot of fights because I heard and saw them. There’s always a leader in middle school. For example there can be two types of leaders. One, there can be a bully who’s really bossy, big, and, mean. Second, it can be all the eighth graders, but we the eighth graders have responsibilities. Jack’s group can be the mean and bad group like the bullies or bad people. On the other hand Ralph’s group can be the nice and good group like the nice and good people. Jack’s group wants to always hunt and fight with Ralph. Ralph’s group on the other hand don’t want to do anything. They don’t want to fight. They just want to go back home with their parents. Ralph seems like a responsible eighth grader but Jack seems like a monster from the underworld.

            We must work together to be civilized and not be savages. For us to stay in control we would need to work together. For example, when the littluns help find food and when they all have an assignment or work was given, they had to follow it so that they can survive. Also if someone else finds food somewhere else, they can share.  Another thing is that they can help each other with their work. For example, if someone is too busy and can’t finish their job maybe another person can give that person a hand. The boys should have all gotten along and not be two different groups because in chapter 10 Jack and his hunters took over the place where Ralph and the littluns were staying. They should have just cared for the little kids and forget about themselves (Jack and Ralph). The little kids were more important than the others. They also should have been a big team and work together so that they can get out if the island and go home. The important thing was that they should have worked together.


A Fun Day at the Beach

Today my school is going to the beach
My mom said it is going to be fun.
Today Mrs. Gates is going to teach
us in the sand and then we get to run

in the fresh, cool river near the ocean
where we get to see the big cool whale
dancing in the river with more motion
where we can see the big whale's tail.

The sun is setting down, it’s time to go
to school so we can get there on time
before we forget we need to bring Joe
a student who’s making a funny rhyme.

“This fun beach I want to come more often
but I hope the beach does not get rotten!!”
______________________________________________________________________When we read  A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens we were assigned to do an "In came..." project. I learned how to write this in difficult vocabulary. The hardest part was choosing the theme and the description. I did well putting it together.

                                                    In Came

        In came a student with her colorful binder, and went straight to her pink desk, and took wonderful notes, and wrote 50 pages like a robot. In came Mrs. Wiggles, with an astonishing personality. In came the five Miss Wiggles, beautiful and full of joy and ready to work. In came the eight young men ready to learn. In came all of them ready to get started on their tests. In came the teacher, with her assistant, the music teacher. In came a parent, with their mother’s best friend, the librarian. In came the girl with the colorful binder, who didn’t study for her test and wanted to hide in the bathroom, but sadly the principal came in there and took her to the principal’s office. In they all came, one by one, some lovely, some unhappily, some quietly, some innocently, some crying, some lying; in they all came, anyhow and everyhow.
Ode to a Frog Pen

By Jennifer Garcia

I have a green pen.
It has
A happy frog at the top
Of the clicker.
Whenever I write,
It is comfortable
Because it is really soft
Like a cushion on a rocking chair.
The tip of the fun pen
Is ball point.
The ink is dark blue.
The excited shaft of the pen is a light
Green color and it’s soft.
It is a full body frog with flexible hands,
Wiggly legs and two gushy eyeballs
 Of a dark Color bead.
 The frog smiles
Like an angel from heaven above.
I never
Forget this pen
At home.
I don’t know what will happen
If I did.
 I am scared.
What if I lose this awesome beautiful
Pen in the world
And never find
 What if someone
Else steals  
It from me
And they don’t want to return it?
It? Whenever
I write
With this green pen
I feel like I’m the only one writing
And I feel like the only one 
 Who has this pen
That is special
To me.
 It feels
Like I just got it today
But I didn’t  have it
 For a long time actually.
I write my long homework,
Poetry, notes, and it evens writes
Cool words!
 But I hope everyone has their
Own special Pen
Just like me
 Like Mrs. Gates.
Her favorite pen
Is the purple One
That she is always looking
For. Her favorite pen.
My favorite pen.
My favorite pen
I love
My frog pen!


I see stars
At night
In the bright
Where I wish
Upon a shiny
And yellow
I’ve been looking
At this star
Every night
And it has always
Been there
But one night
I went outside
To see my shiny star
It was gone.
That meant
That I was lonely
I couldn’t
On my shiny star
I had wished
On for so long
One night
 When they were in the sky
I looked up
And saw my shiny star again.
I love
The stars
When they shine

Eighth grade metaphor
Eighth grade is an ice cream cone because 8th grade has a hard cone and 8th grade is hard. The ice cream represents how 8th grade will melt so fast and how we will move on to High school really fast. There are many flavors you can choose from; some of the flavors are: strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, and mint. They each represent a subject such as Math, Science, English, and History. Each flavor is delicious!


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        Welcome to the English page. Here is where you will be able to see all my work and projects. In this English page you will find my 8th grade metaphor, my glogster, a sonnet, an ode, my three goals, Lord of the Flies essay, in came, and a final Dickens project. Throughout the year there will be more work coming so make sure to come back. Please feel free to leave comments and thank you for visiting this page. Hope you enjoy it


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